Younger or novice gamers can cut their teeth on Bubsy II, but if your idea of a challenge is slammin' with Sonic, you won't get much of a bang out of Bubsy.īubsy is back! The feisty bobcat returns for another adventure, and this time he's on the Game Boy! Bubsy has a whole new challenge to face. Even if you die ugly, you'll still need both hands to count your remaining lives. Furthermore, Bubsy now sports three levels of health in addition to his traditional nine lives (which are quickly augmented by abundant power- ups). And Then Someīubsy ll's big weakness is its easy challenge. But Bubsy and the bad guys are entertainingly animated, and good sound effects - including funny digitized sound bites from Bubsy add to the fun. The on-screen characters are smaller than they were in the original, and they're also less detailed. Slapstick graphics and sounds carry the day, particularly the bugeyed, screaming stunt frogs in the Frogapult. Take time to find out how far and how high you can jump. Gravity isn't the same in every world, especially in Space.Can't find the Liquid Lunacy mini game? Try on a diving-suit.