BROADCAST ON YOUR TV: With a Chromecast* key or on Apple TV, broadcast the programs you love live, in replay and in HD quality.

MINI-PLAYER: Keep an eye on your favorite sports programs and don't miss any action.LIVE AND REPLAY DTT CHANNELS*: France 2, France 3, France 5, Arte, C8, NRJ12, LCP-Public Sénat, France 4, BFM TV, CNews, CSTAR, L'Equipe, RMC Story, RMC Découverte, Chérie 25, France Info, the INA channel, Brut, France 24, BFM Business, LCP 100%, Public Sénat.Browse through many programs: news and information, French and US TV series, films, sports, documentaries, reality TV, children's programs, entertainment. Easily watch all French television in streaming with Molotov.